Durarara!!/デュラララ!! Role Play
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Durarara!!/デュラララ!! Role Play
Hey...pssst...yeah, you! I'd log in or register if I were you before Shizuo Heiwajima gets angry and decides to throw a trash can at YOU for a change...
Durarara!!/デュラララ!! Role Play
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Durarara!!/デュラララ!! Role Play

Ikebukuro: To some, it is just another big city in Japan, but there are others who have been priviledged to see what really goes on. Gang violence isn't what we're talking about. You'll soon see what I mean. Welcome to Ikebukuro...
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 Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.})

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Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) Empty
PostSubject: Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.})   Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2012 9:56 am

Another day in Ikebukuro, had thought a inside voice of the 6'5 male with glasses on. Earlier, he had awoken from his sleep in his apartment, Kisa was laying in bed with him near his face while Usa was sleeping in her rabbit cage that she could freely leave from. Misaki Akatsuka seemed to have his thoughts elsewhere, and as he sits up from his large king sized bed with navy sheets fused together with white sheets did he looked extremely tired. Yawning silently to himself did he take said glasses from the counter and placed them over his face to help him see. Wearing a white long sleeve shirt and long black jogging jeans. This was his sleeping attire, for he found comfort in long clothes when he slept, either that or he got cold way to easy anymore. Use to the cold air as well as the warm air never did it bother him but now it is totally different. Misaki found cold air more of a bother than warm air, and sometimes it changed from one thing to the next. Standing up did he ruffle his head placing on a tired facial expression and as he walked out of his room did it get the attention of the gray cat named Kisa. Usa was still snuggled into her bed, which was alright. Misaki didn't care if Usa got up or not, but if she stayed asleep any longer then he would have to force her awake. Speaking of pets he would have to take his medication to keep his allergies at bay. The last thing he needed was to sneeze and cough every single time the animals were in the room. Walking into his living room half of his apartment did he raise a eyebrow to the clock. Was it really that early. Shaking his head silently did he do his normal routine. Make coffee to help him get enough energy as well as making a decent breakfast for himself as well as Kisa and Usa. Both animals and himself were fed now for the next thing of the morning routine. Remembering the food he had made and then ate made Misaki feel a lot better, it was better than starving which in a way it was. Starting a shower, he thought that he would change it up a bit and go into a shower than a bath. Cleaning himself, this was something he did 3 times in a week to keep himself well and not only that presentable. Misaki got done with the shower at a pretty normal time. Re-dressing himself into a different attire did he walk to his sink and brush his teeth and comb down his now wet hair. Nope, nothing really had changed. Still following his normal routine, never did he miss one thing.

After the morning routine was over did the male with glasses decide to go check if he had gotten mail for there was a mailbox which was his right next to his apartment door. Opening his door did he find two envelopes. That would have to do. Taking them and then retreating back into his room while barefoot with clean socks on did he close the door softly respecting others who lived near him. Misaki rubbed the back of his neck as he checked the envelopes he had gotten. They could be junk mail for all he knew but opening them elegantly with a small pocket knife did he find out that they were letters written by fans. Though he was on vacation he was still going to have to be use to the mail coming in. Two wasn't bad but sometimes he would get ten or more at a time. When that happens he just sends emails rather than wasting paper to send a reply back. Misaki checked his time on the wall in his living room and that was when he had remembered something. Kisa as well as Usa was almost out of food. Not only that but he would have to buy some food items to keep him up on his feet for a while. Usually, Misaki didn't shop much but now he was on vacation he was going to have to use that money for something. Walking back to his room did he glance back and smirk seeing Kisa run after him while Usa was hopping away right behind him taking her sweet time.

Misaki made it to his room and placed on some clothes for when he would go outside. Shifting his arm's into a sleeveless vest of black with white collar and hood. Adjusting his blue shirt under his vest did he rub his neck to get rid of a light itch there. The shirt was a normal shirt which showed that he wasn't changing up of anything. Wearing normal blue jeans and putting on some normal black shoes was Misaki ready to go. Placing his hands through his hair did he try to get rid of the light bed head feel to it. Walking out of his room and then walking back into the living room did his two pets follow eagerly. Checking his wrist watch was he able to tell what time it would be by the time he got into the market's and store. Deciding did he stand near his door, taking a peice of paper out did he begin to write on it. This would be his list of things to get, never did he want to forget to get anything cause well then he would not be prepared and that would be horrible. Misaki looked back to Kisa and Usa seeing them sit there watching him, but that soon changed when Kisa walked up to him and meowed wanting to be petted. Seeing her rub against him was a good idication of that. Misaki bended down to both pet's since well when he had bend down did Usa hop up happily without any fear, the same with Kisa. Petting them both on the head did he smile some. Standing back up did he walk to his door again and waved to them before closing the door softly and going out.

Sometimes did Misaki take Kisa with him but since he was going to be shopping, it would be for the best for her to stay at home for chances are he was going to be holding way to many stuff. Looking to his car which was parked did he start to think if he should take it. Misaki was thinking about that and so it probably would be best if he did take it. Misaki never liked taking his car cause well it drew to much attention that he did not want. Getting into his car did he start it up. Adjusting the mirror over his head did he look back, using his skills in driving was he able to back up his car properly without any damage made to anyone or himself for that manner. Driving some did he make it to a city known as 'Sunshine' which made him raise his eyebrow's some as he pulled into a normal sized parking lot. Taking all that he could get did he step out of the car earning some looks already which didn't help. Going about his way to the shops and markets did he take his list out. Entering one market which sold animal food and such that was first on his list. Taking up cat food as well as rabbit food, Misaki felt himself smirk some. He had way to many pets to buy them food, then again two pets were not that many. It was just the food for them was to big. Misaki knew though that it would last him for a while. Getting the animal supplies first did he hold 5 bags and exiting the store was he polite enough to wave 'Bye' to the cashier who returned the gesture. While walking to his car was he to busy looking at his list.
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Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.})   Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 3:28 pm

This morning was rather evenful.

Not only did he woke up with his ex-master gone leaving him a note saying that he's going to Hong Kong for a quick business trip- he has left him with a mess in his kitchen saying that the other was trying to cook some lunch.........
Yeah, Nora was pretty steamed as he was cleaning the kitchen but calmed down sometimes after knowing that hunting down for the annoying white-haired teen in Hong Kong is like looking for a needle in a haystack- just a bit easier since there aren't many young teens with white-haire like Mori. Nora decided to wait for the other to come back before starting whatever punishment that Nora could do to Mori... though Nora isn't exactly good at thinking up punishment unless it has to do with something rather childish or parent-like as in grounding and making him clean up a certain thing. If he wanted to go to extreme, he could always try to kill the other but Nora has a feeling that Mori would be more entertained by it than scared or redeeming.

Soon after, he took a walk towards the market street in sunshine- despite that his home is rather far away from Sunshine city. A good walk would do him good away from the headache that he calls 'his best friend'. They needed a few more groceries anyway and Nora just recently has gotten his pay check from his third job. If him and Mori are going to survive, they have to eat. Though Nora is starting to think about letting Mori strave to death- he's not going to do that to the white-haired teen. Sure, Mori is annoying but Nora knows the feeling of stravation. And it's not pretty at all. But they'll live. Despite having to work 24/7 and such, they're doing pretty good.

Then, Nora saw a student of his from the daycare center he works at climbing on a stand a lot more taller than the kid; and almost have a heart attack when the kid fell from that tall stand.
After catching the boy, earning a few scraps, Nora immediately started to interrogate the boy.
"What were you doing?" Nora demanded as he narrowed his eyes at the boy disapprovingly. Sosuke, the boy that he captured, only grinned at him innocently. Sosuke is a typical japanese kid; black hair, naturally narrowed eyes with a skinny figure. Sosuke has always been a mischevious and hard-headed kid. He's not particularally slow, he could actually get things much quicker than some of the kids back at the daycare, he's just careless and assume things to quickly.
"I'm exploring!" Sosuke said, an adventurous glint in his eyes. Nora almost had a bad feeling about that- like when Mori said that he'll be out doing some business (well, Nora always have a bad feeling about that...).
".....Becareful...." Though he didn't specfify what he meant, Sosuke knows exactly what his Sensei meant and stick his tongue out in definance. Nora couldn't help but sigh. He wasn't sure why Sosuke is so rebellious.... in truth, while the other does have a haughty attitude, he's actually very helpful and kind though he did it in a 'well, I guess I could' kind of expression. But everyone in the daycare knows how Sosuke is. They are that close. But the reason for it is unknown and concerning.
"Where are your parents?"
Seeing Sosuke frown, Nora has a feeling he knew the problem now.
"They were being diffcult so I decided to run away."
Nora sweatdrop, shaking his head. Of course, Sosuke assumed something once again. It's not the first time he was being difficult but this is the first time he ever saw Sosuke actually running away from his parents.
"If they come to find you, you must go with them." Nora declared, as he stood up straight, looking around to see if his parents are in the area.
Sosuke pouted. "What difference does that make-"
"That means they care. They went out looking for you."
Sosuke continues to pout but didn't complain. Probably because that is what the kid wanted- proof that they cared.
"Oh yeah, Sensei, I'm going to live with you for a while."
Nora sweatdropped. What is people wanting to live with him? But before Nora could even protest, Sosuke run ahead, sticking his tongue out at his emotionless sensei. But before he could get far, Sosuke accidently slam himself onto a man with five bags in his arm, falling down on his back at the sheer force.
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Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.})   Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2012 10:49 pm

Thump, and then a crash came into Misaki's ears. Uttering out a gasp before falling did he fell to the ground onto his back with his many bags for his animals scattered all around and around him not only that but his glasses sort of fell along with his so many bags. Shaking his head was the only thing he could do to get rid of the pain in both his head and his back but when he opened his eyes did he come to not see much of everything. Narrowing his eyes in a dangerous manner he wanted to yell and shout and probably turn into the hulk right at this moment. When Misaki read one of those comics for kids when a guy got mad and then turned green. Never did he understand it but he now understood. Everything like accident's happen and usually it was mostly his fault for not paying attention, but he and another person were at fault at this moment. When he recovered getting rid of his rage did he blink a few times with those three little lines coming up to when he had come to notice something missing or seeing someone. In this case he had come to notice something. "Hm, my glasses seem to have fallen during the crash?" Misaki stood up and reached around finding his items he had bought first was the main importance to him at this moment. When he had cleared the way of everything else did he find his glasses and sighing did he shake his head again. He was lucky that they did not break or come to be dirty or scratched. Shifting his glasses up with his left hand pushing it upward did he then notice the boy and he frowned some what. "I know this isn't any of my buisness but shouldn't you be watching where you are going?" Shaking his finger at the boy was just about all that he could do, it wasn't like he would be able to just punish him there. Though, when his guardian would get there he would hope of some kind of punishment.

That was mean, that thought entered his head quite quickly and he shook his head letting out a tired sigh before trying to put everything into the bags that they once came from. Silently did the man mumble to himself. Some vacation this was starting to turn out to be, both of his pets seemed to be loving it but he wasn't liking it all that much. He knew that he would have to grow into it which would take sometime. Misaki would have to get use to the crashes and everything from the people first before he could enjoy his vacation. After sorting everything properly did he dust his back off though it did still kind of hurt him at this moment. It was a sheer force crash and of course it would knock him over quite easily since he did sort of have his hands full. Another thing that he was majorly happy about was that the animal food did not open and scatter across the ground cause then he would have to buy new bags of food. Yes, the man did tend to worry over spoiled goods and even more so on money and yet he had plenty of money to set him for life at this moment. Though, he would always come to worry about everything. Many people can not just live on sure brains and strength they needed to focus and plan out how they were going to live their lives first. Without that then you were pretty much done for in the real world. Work was important and so was health. The things that led to a good life was based on many of the people's choices and actions rather then relying on greed and power. Some people really didn't understand the great things in life, and some other's tend to throw their lives away it was sad really. Misaki looked downward to where his car was parked and then he looked to the boy and he frowned some which was his way of saying 'I'm sticking here with you until someone can actually keep a eye on you' but it was less harsh looking on his face then how he would say it in words. Misaki undertstood that some kids were reckless and oftenly if they were like that then they would grow up and still be like that. They needed to be taught about not being that way, but he guessed that the boy had not been taught that yet. Should he teach it to him? No, he would wait until a way much more better time. Since he was busy shopping for himself and his animals he could not afford to make delays on everything but since the boy was alone he could wait for a little while.
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Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.})   Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 24, 2012 6:32 pm

"Yeah... you're right mister... it's not your business!" Sosuke stick his tongue out at the other, not caring what the other adult has said. As far as he knows, all adults are sticky and controlling! Except for Nora because the other isn't an actual adult really, a teen, but even if the teen does become an adult- he wouldnt' include Fushou into the solution. The other did save him before. But that's another story to be told.
Quickly jumping up to his feet, he began to run for his life even after the man gave him a look to 'keep an eye' on him or something like that. He got some really good practice reading people's expression by trying to read Nora's expressionless expressions. Well, nearly expression but they seemed "expressionless" to some people. As if he was going to stay with this old dude! He rather go back to Jack and take on his dare about eating worms!

But before he could get farther from where he is at, he bumped into someone again. Though the force wasn't so bad enough that he ends up falling on his butt again, he did stumble a bit. Looking up from where he is at, wondering what in the heck had stopped him this time, he gulped at the emotionless facade from his caretaker/sensei. Ick- he forgotten about Nora.
And his Sensei doesn't seem happy. How he knows that despite expressionless expression- well, Nora has one of his hands on his hip. That means that the other is very disappointed and upset by his action.
For the first time today, Sosuke actually felt gulity, shuffling his feet as he looks down in shame. Nora-sensei is easily reasonable and doesn't yell at them at all unless he felt it necessary- he doesn't get mad easy. And when he is, you have to felt sorry for the person he is disappointed at or if it's you he's directing at, he can't help but feel guility and shameful.

"....Sorry Sensei..." Sosuke mumbled, you can tell that he meant it. Nora's white-eyes soften as he shook his head. He kneeled down to the boy's height and looked at him in the eyes. He then flickered the other on the forehead- a common punishment he does to the hard-headed children of the daycare. It shouldn't hurt so much and the sting is gone after a few minutes but the red mark should be there for an hour at least so that everyone who saw him could see the mark on his forehead to know that he did something wrong. Sosuke rubs his forehead where his sensei has flickered, grumbling and pouting.
"Now don't give me that look." Nora said as Sosuke look away from his sensei in a pouting kind of sense.
"Sosuke." Sosuke hesitantly look at his sensei. "I'm not the one you should say sorry to. Help him pick up his things and say your aplogizes right now."

Though Sosuke continues to pout throughout what his sensei had said, he listened nonetheless, shuffling over to the fallen things and began to help the stranger with his stuff.

With the huge urge to sigh, he stood and went to help him too, not saying anything as he gathers the stuff along with his student. Well, Sosuke is his responsibility- he should watch out of him better before he impose on other people.
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Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.})   Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 24, 2012 10:57 pm

Misaki's first thought went away as he watched the kid run off and then he sighed and placed the back of his left hand up and against his chin. Why were kids so hard to deal with, it was probably cause that he was much stricter on kids than other people. He had to be or else his sister's would give him a hard time in purchasing things that they shouldn't. Those books that they ordered was a shock to him, to think that they wanted to read such things. Misaki never would understand the female mind and he couldn't understand it after all he was a male and he had no right in peeking into the girl's head. That was the same with all females really, and yet so many of them tried to figure out what he was thinking. Well the only thing that he thought of was his pet's and his vacation and how he was going to survive it. Noting the boy and another male walk over made him blink some what, they didn't have to help him with anything. It was half of his fault that he wasn't paying attention. He was in a hurry anyway to get back to his apartment before some kind of crazy things would come to happen. Aya had a way of just popping up and giving him a hard time with well many things. Misaki sighed taking up somethings nearest to him before glancing back to the two who were helping him and nodding his head in the direction of his car did he walk off. Stopping of course so they can see him did he continue onward before coming up to his car. Pushing the trunk button did it slow pop open and he had to use his left hand to lift it up further to allow himself to place the bag's into the clean sort of well kept back part of the car. The only thing that was in the back of his car was a bunch of suit cases and boxes. They were empty, that just went to show he had no time to take them fully out of his car. After placing the bag's into the car did he push his glasses up before taking out his list again. Misaki was going to shop for some clothes for himself, and some other item's to keep himself clean and healthy. Food was another thing he would get, as well as something to drink.

Folding his list in a orderly fashion did he stuff it back into his pocket on the left side of his pants, and as he checked the sky he had come to hope that it would stay sunny and such for as long as he was out there doing his shopping. The last thing he needed was for it to be cut short. Shifting his eyes did he look to the bag's and began counting them after the two other male's both young and sort of young as well as mature looking helped him with his things did he count the items to make sure that he had gotten everything. Always having to make sure everything was in order, Misaki did a re-count of his items again and after doing that did he nod and bow his head lightly which was his way of saying 'Thank you.' without the words. Never was he much of a talker to other's, sometimes he had come to nag others and oftenly did that lead to some other people to get annoyed with him. In a way he didn't care. That was how he was and he liked being himself. Only around true friends did he show his true colors. Around those that weren't sort of close, meaning he had just met them. He was silent, mature, and a bit of a stirct person but that would come to change when they would get to know him. Misaki was always like that with his twin sisters. They always got into trouble and he would always nag them about things and even come to ground them on occassions. That just went to show that they pushed his buttons to far and they needed to learn limits. They can't always go around and do what they want for things in the real world were not like that. You got to work to make a living, they were young still and they would come to learn about it the hard way if they don't shape up. Great, now listening to him worrying and nagging about them in his head. Somethings just never changed in Misaki's head.

Taking a step back did he looked down the side walk and he began to think of where would be a good place to find some food and clothes around here. He had a good clue of where to find those things but he found it better to ask people to where they were placed. It was their job after all to tell him where somethings were. Misaki closed his eyes somewhat as he thought about actually doing the lazy way and ordering his things off of his computer but they always did charge for tax. When he thought about it everything had to come with tax which sort of annoyed him but he had come to live with it for as long as he had been at home in the United States. Misaki glanced back to the two who had helped him silently for it was his way of seeing what they would come to do next.
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Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.})   Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 24, 2012 11:42 pm

Sosuke was grumbling a little as he helped the man he had just bump into picking up the stuff he had dropped. While he does felt a bit guility, just a bit, it wasn't his fault that the other was so uncorrdinated....
Feeling the eyes of his sensei, he guessed that Nora knows what he was thinking and quickly went back to picking up the fallen objects.
Nora shooked his head as he continues grabbing the objects into his arms, almost finished with his side as well as Sosuke. His student isn't so usually so rude with strangers.... well, he wasn't rude before without blushing or being embarrassed. Though he doesn't look like it, Sosuke is a shy boy and he often covers his embarrassment and shyness through insults and back-talk, though it's very obvious that he's embarrased or shy because of his red face sometimes. Maybe it only goes to girls since he always seemed to be red faced because of them. He wasn't sure how the other reacts with boys... he remembers when he first met Sosuke, he did that to him for some reason but still...

When they both finished picking up the fallen object from the stranger, they saw that he is heading for his car and followed him, putting up the rest of the stuff in the back of the trunk along with him.
Nora inspected the other man, noticing how calm and patient- well, kinda- he is over despite the fact that his stuff was just scattered and that Sosuke had just insulted him. Usually, many people would be very riled up by that, screaming and yelling and cursing sometimes. No matter how much Sosuke would deserve it, they shouldn't reprimid a child like that. He gets and understand if Sosuke needs some form of punishment but he's just a kid, he didn't know any better.
He was a bit glad that this man was rather mature and quiet, it's tough to deal with others like those and it would actually frighten Sosuke a bit. He doesn't exactly wanted the child to see that side of the human-being at such a young age. He understand that he would see it sometimes but he didn't want the other to be scarred yet with a still maturing mind.
Nora kinda recongize him though...... but he was not sure where he recognize the other from. Maybe he looked familar? The other is pretty 'handsome' in other's standards (meaning that he doesn't find the other attractive really, Nora barely understand what's really attractive since those thoughts weren't really install in his mind, but he knows other people standard of attractiveness) so he thought that the man would probably be easily recognizable but then again, Nora never has been good at remembering faces since he felt he doesn't need to unless it's necessary. There are too many faces to remember so he only picked the ones that are necessary. Like classmates and teachers and whatnot.

Seeing that the man had bowed his head in a 'thank you' kind of notion -Nora knows that because he is very fluent in the language of silence-, Nora then grabbed Sosuke's head and forced him to bow down to the other while he bow down himself, much to the younger's protest.
When Nora looks at his student with eyes of meaning, Sosuke automatically knows what he was supposed to do and grumbles. Dang his sensei and his words of silence.

".....I'm sorry...... that you have no coordination-" Nora hits the other on the head before he could finish the sentence, making the kid yelp. It was more of a surprise yelp than a hurtful yelp, since sensei usually doesn't like hurting them, but Sosuke gets the gist that he has to chance his sentence.
"I-I mean, I'm sorry that I bumped into you.................................. and that I insulted you." He grumbled the last aplogy. He wasn't planning to say it but judging by the hand that was still forcing him to bow down, Nora wanted another thing out of his mouth.
Sosuke did a sigh of relief as he felt the hand off his head, rubbing it as he pouted towards Nora. Sheesh, he helped the other pick up his own stuff, what more does he want from him?

He was about to go leave again, hoping to get away from the man forever and to never see him again in his entire life, Sosuke began to walk away in freedom from grown-ups; till he saw the man's expression. Being with Nora for a long time, he knows how to read the expression of the expressionless and the language of the silence. And he could easily read the other's expression and heard the unspoken words of silence.
"...tch." He couldn't help but 'tch'ed at the unspoken words as he put his arms behind his head, looking at the other in a 'are you dumb' expression. "Sheesh, you can go to the mall- I'm sure they have a lot of shops of what you could find." Sosuke in some kind of intelligent that is unlike a 5 year old. "Since you are not a resident of Ikebukuro, you could at least get a map of a brochure of places to go." Sosuke the shrugs while shaking his head. "But I guess you're too dum-"
Nora flickered the other on his head, meaning that Sosuke had said too much, sweatdropping. At first, Nora thought that the other is actually helping the other out. Nora knows that the man probably wanted to go shopping a little more and was about to offer some places until Sosuke beat him to the punch. But still, some things never change- it looks that the child was actually trying to insult the other.
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Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.})   Market, Shopping, & Much More? ({Open.}) I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2012 12:18 am

Misaki heard the response and didn't really do anything, the mall did sound like a good place but that would draw to much attention for it had happened before. Just walking in there did he get eyes of the ladies and some men which didn't bother him much. He knew the actions and he knew what they were thinking. Misaki shook his head, why did Aya have to be right about things. Shifting himself to stand at a side way manner did he sigh some. Kisa would love to have her own little cat toy, they do sell them in the store he came from but they were to much. Usa was scared of toys, she just wanted to be petted and picked up as she twitched her cute nose in happiness. Closing his eyes some did Misaki feel relaxed by that image. Though he was allergic to animals of all kinds he still loved them and he took medicine which was very strong. Meaning that it worked right away but the medicine would mess with his taste as well as his hearing some what. It oftenly made him dizzy sometimes as well but he could take it, it was for the animals that he had come to love more than anything. Those animals were about to be killed and never could he stand by and watch those horrible people at the vet do their duty and put them to sleep without much of a second thought. Misaki looked to the oldest male who was sort of punishing the other young male. Kids were kids, that was why he loved them some what but some were that way. The man couldn't just hit the boy for anything that he had come to say, he wasn't his responsibility and he had no right to punish a young kid that wasn't his. Misaki decided to go about his day, since he had said 'Thank you' to them. There wasn't much of anything for him to say or do at this moment. Walking down the side walk did he come across a toy store and entered it without much of a second thought.

Walking to the many toys did he already get some looks from women and kids alike. It didn't bother him all that much as he looked through the stuffed toys which were small and were the right size for a cat who had a lot of energy to take on a pack of dogs and still walk away unmark and unharmed. Misaki picked up another kitty looking stuffed animal and he smiled somewhat to it, he would probably get it for his cat Kisa. Before he could take a step did a employee of the store walked up and asked him if he needed help with anything. Shaking his head politely did it sort of earn a small pout from the female employee. Walking onward did he stop and see a actual cat toy with a feather attached and looking it over he picked it up and looked very much interested with it. The price wasn't bad for it and it was in good shape, never was it used and it looked strong enough. Taking those two toys did he walk up to the counter and bought the two before asking if their was a toy for a little rabbit. A different female employee looked upward and suggested a small stuffed animal that looks like a rabbit. Misaki thought about it, Usa was scared of so many things and he wondered if she could take a stuffed animal bunny. Closing his eyes silently he began to think about it. Misaki was never good in choices like this, his rabbit was just to scared of everything. Shaking his head he politely declined and went about his day out of the store with those two toys he had now purchased for his cat named Kisa.

Stopping infront of the store he walked out of he looked down the road and saw a pretty decent clothing store, checking his wrist watch did he blink once before putting his arm down making it go limp at his side. After he had come to do that did he walk away without much thought. Misaki was going to get all the items before sun down and nothing was going to stop him. It was funny, he was shopping and already he missed his animals in his apartment. He knew they must feel completely lonely without him and so he wanted to get home as soon as possible. Entering the clothing store did many women stop what they were doing and looked to him before talking among eachother. Misaki went about his day and began looking through the clothing for men. As he looked through the clothing some other people were actually talking to eachother in a gossiping manner. Misaki found a interesting white shirt and looked it over with his glasses shine hiding his eyes for now. Should he get this. That was a common question he had come to ask himself.
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